Rob Brown

From RobLa

Rob Brown is a San Francisco-based software designer that I met via the EM-list when he joined in 2003. Then when I started working for Linden Lab (and was still living in Seattle), I made a point of meeting Rob for beverages in about 2006. If I recall correctly, we met at Caffe Trieste in North Beach, but it was pretty late in the evening. I probably had a beer. He rode his bike home at like 10:30pm, which I now realize was borderline-suicidal, but I didn't know what riding a bicycle in San Francisco was like in 2006. Anyhoo......

Rob is the creator of Aardvark[1] and[2]. In 2019, he worked on a vote simulator.[3]. He is a longtime participant in the EM-list[4], and now participates in the C4ES_Election-Theory_Forum[5]. From 2004-2006, Brown helped me out on Grank, which was an important component of Electowidget. I think I wrote most of it, but I got some really good advice from him.

Rob and I have been blathering about electoral systems with each other off and on for nearly 17 years (as of this writing in June 2020).



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