Main Page
Hi, I'm Rob Lanphier (a.k.a. "robla" or "RobLa"), and this is my wiki. I started it in June 2020, and it has more content than I was expecting. See my journal on this wiki to see what I have planned. You can find my journal here: RobLa journal.
- main article: RobLaPOV
This is my wiki. I do what I want.
- main page: Contents
This wiki is going to have all sorts of crazy things. Whatever strikes my fancy.
Here's just a few categories of content: 2010s, Contents, Decade, MediaWiki, Television, Year. But there is a lot more on this wiki. One of these two pages is going to probably going to be the best choice:
- Help:All main namespace pages - As of this writing (in June 2020) this page lists all of the pages in the main namespace of this wiki. But will it do so in July 2020? ...or in 2021? Only time will tell.
- Category:Contents - this provides all of the pages that are in "Category:Contents". Like this page!
But see Contents for more...
- main article: MediaWiki
I've been using MediaWiki since the very beginning; first as a Wikipedia editor, then as a PHP developer trying to add stuff to MediaWiki, and then eventually managing the development team at WMF responsible for release management and update deployment.
This wiki (Project:RobLaWiki) is still a work in progress. I want one of those construction-worker-digging things that web pages had so many of in the 1990s
The sections below are about the other MediaWiki-based wikis that I'm involved with (or have been).
Here are some of the Miraheze wikis I'm active on
- - this one!
- electowiki was the first Miraheze-based wiki I was involved with.
- meta:User:psephomancy was the one that set up electowiki on Miraheze
- It was copied from
- - this is a wiki that I set up in April(?) 2020.
See Miraheze to learn more about what "Miraheze" even means (and possibly about my involvement).
- - You've heard of Wikipedia, right? I believe I'm UID #96 on this wiki.
- - I just made some edits to that today (on 2020-06-16 PDT)
- - this is the old Electowiki, and it's still running (as of 2020-06-16)
- - I used to be UID #1 on that wiki. At least, I'm pretty sure was.
Other websites
Here are some of the other pages to learn about me:
- - my main homepage
- - my blog